->You should have download accelerator and Mozilla Firefox to perform this trick.
The Trick:
Most of the sites save the images of a particular gallery with a common name followed by a number for example “image1″,”image2″,”image3″ and so on, first we are going to get the image url and then use a “C” program to produce a html page ( dload.htm) which contains links to all the images in the gallery.
Open the gallery which you want to download in mozilla . Now open 3 to 4 images of the gallery , right click on the image and select view image now you will get the url of the image in the address bar compare the urls 3-4 images to find a pattern in them.Now copy the url and replace the url in the code given below with it.Now replace the numbers in the image name which are varying with %d in our case replace “image1″ with “image%d”. You can get the upper limit of “i” by checking the url of the last image compile and run the code given below after replacing the url and open the dload.htm file produced in your favourite browser right click on any of the link and select download all files with mass downloader in case you installed mass downloader now all the files will be downloaded automatically
C code with explanation
FILE *fp;
int i;
fp=fopen(”dload.htm”,”w”); /*creates a file named dload.htm */
/*We are using this for loop to write the url’s of the images in to dload.htm */
for(i=0;i<100;i++) href="http://www.blogger.com/%5C%E2%80%9Dhttp://huntmewordpress.com/images/image%d%5C%E2%80%9D">page%d \n”,i,i);
Time Saving huh.......
The Trick:
Most of the sites save the images of a particular gallery with a common name followed by a number for example “image1″,”image2″,”image3″ and so on, first we are going to get the image url and then use a “C” program to produce a html page ( dload.htm) which contains links to all the images in the gallery.
Open the gallery which you want to download in mozilla . Now open 3 to 4 images of the gallery , right click on the image and select view image now you will get the url of the image in the address bar compare the urls 3-4 images to find a pattern in them.Now copy the url and replace the url in the code given below with it.Now replace the numbers in the image name which are varying with %d in our case replace “image1″ with “image%d”. You can get the upper limit of “i” by checking the url of the last image compile and run the code given below after replacing the url and open the dload.htm file produced in your favourite browser right click on any of the link and select download all files with mass downloader in case you installed mass downloader now all the files will be downloaded automatically
C code with explanation
FILE *fp;
int i;
fp=fopen(”dload.htm”,”w”); /*creates a file named dload.htm */
/*We are using this for loop to write the url’s of the images in to dload.htm */
for(i=0;i<100;i++) href="http://www.blogger.com/%5C%E2%80%9Dhttp://huntmewordpress.com/images/image%d%5C%E2%80%9D">page%d \n”,i,i);
Time Saving huh.......