Intel has launched a new gaming and high-end computing platform called Skulltrail which includes two quad-core processors and graphic cards. Skulltrail not only holds eight processors; it also gives users a choice of two multi-card graphics solutions - one from AMD's ATI division and one from nVidia.
The new platform will be largely welcomed by gamers, along with 3D animators and high-definition video editors, it also will have its place in corporate IT.
Intel also officially unveiled its Dual Socket Extreme Desktop Platform at the 2008 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. The platform is the latest product to run Intel's 45-nanometre Penryn microprocessors, which hit the market last November.
The new platform's motherboard, Desktop Board D5400XS, is being paired with two Core 2 Extreme QX9775 processors.
An interesting part of Intel's announcement is the fact that Intel is supporting graphics technology from ATI, which is owned by Intel rival AMD.
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