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Zebuntu Debuts

Already at their second beta release [German], Zebuntu is an Xfce-based Ubuntu distribution with heavy - you guessed it - Zeta influences. Bernd Korz explains the goals of Zebuntu in the project's announcement."Our goal is to use BlueEyedOS to offer a new platform for our former Zeta customers. In the future, Zeta, BeOS, as well as any future Haiku applications, will run natively on Zebuntu. This also offers a distinct advantage for developers for these platforms; they can use Zebuntu to develop for their platforms while utilising the performance and versatility of Linux." In other words, run BeOS applications on Linux. They have not forgotten about BFS support either. The project is, of course, completely open source. The website is only available in German for now, but Zebuntu developer Leszek Lesner confirmed to me that work is being done on an English variant (there already is an English development blog).
Here are some top features:
  • Small slim 4.4 XFCE desktop provides the necessary performance.
  • VirtualBox and Wine provide for the easy re-use of their favorite software
  • Thunar, the file manager can now be reliably detect file types and offers several options and actions.
  • The super fast browser Epiphany was to expand links and scripts to be more comfortable.
  • The panel has been redesigned in order to look better and better at the small desktops to behave.
For more Details::
Zebuntu(Translated in English)


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